Frequently Asked Questions
What is the publication frequency of RoAST?
Four issues/year: February| April | June | August| October | December
How can I submit my research manuscript?
The author should submit their research manuscript using the Make a Submission link. Please DO NOT e-mail your research manuscripts. We have stopped accepting manuscripts over the emails to make our workflow faster and more efficient.
I submitted my new manuscript online. What should I do now?
Our editorial team will do an initial assessment of the submitted manuscript to ascertain its eligibility to be sent for review. If the decision is to send the manuscript for review, you will receive a follow-up email with the invoice and a payment link to pay the processing fee. At all times, the progress of the manuscript can be tracked from the Submissions link.
I received the invoice email. What should I do now?
Please pay this amount through the link given in your invoice or refer to the Fee & Payment section of the website. Please note that a research manuscript taken for review DOES NOT guarantee acceptance for publication.
Do all authors have to pay the processing fee?
No. Only 1 author has to pay the processing fee per manuscript. We do not charge all the authors.
I have paid my processing fee. Will I get a confirmation of the payment?
Yes, you will get a confirmation of the receipt of payment within 24-48 hours. Sometimes it may take longer than that. Please feel free to reach out to us if you don't get the confirmation within 5 days of the payment submission.
How long does it take to get the manuscript reviewed?
The review process is really dependent on factors like receipt of the processing fee, reviewers availability and response time. We try our level best to get the research manuscripts reviewed as quickly as possible and it may take 3-4 weeks. Please be assured that quick turnaround is our top priority, and we are making our best efforts to make the entire process as smooth as possible for the author.
How would I know if my manuscript has been sent for review?
A confirmation for the receipt of payment of processing fee means that the manuscript has been sent for review.
I have received an email from the editorial team with the comments and feedback of the reviewer. What's next?
Please review all the suggestion/comments/feedback carefully and then address them in your manuscript using track changes in the document. Once you have addressed all the corrections, please save your file and submit it again through the Submissions link.
What happens after the review process?
After the manuscript is reviewed by the reviewer, all the comments and feedback is shared with the author. The author is requested to make the changes as per the suggestions and resubmit the revised manuscript using the Submissions link. Once the editorial team receives the manuscript, it is checked for corrections to make sure that the changes are as per the requested revisions. If all looks good, the manuscript is sent to the Editor-In-Chief who makes the final approval and sends the manuscript for publication. If the corrections are not as per the expectations, the manuscript is sent back to the author.
I have submitted my revised manuscript through the online revised submission section. What should I expect now?
You will receive a confirmation from our editorial team. If there are any further revisions still required, we will reach out to you.
My manuscript has been accepted for publication. What should I do now and when will my manuscript be published?
Congratulations! You will be required to pay administrative charges. If the R-MS/R-A is more than 10 pages, you will be intimated about the additional charges. Please refer to the Fee & Payment section of the website for more details. Upon the receipt of administrative charges, your R-MS/R-A would be assigned a DOI number within 1 month and will be sent for publication as online first in the forthcoming issue.
What are administrative charges?
The administrative charges cover the costs including those of publication management, journal production, online hosting and archiving, abstracting and indexing services, online distribution to discovery services, content aggregators, Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers and other related services.
What modes of payment are acceptable? Please refer to the Fee & Payment section of the website for more details.
Can I become a member?
Yes, you can become an annual member or a life member of the Researh on Agricultural Sciences and Technology Please refer to the Membership page for further details.
Do all authors have to become a member?
No, membership is not compulsory for any author.
Do you provide print copies of the journal?
As part of our Go Green initiative, RoAST has decided not to provide hard copies. We do print very limited hard copies of the issues on special request only. It's INR 2000/USD 120 for one issue, which includes postal charges.